Am jealous of Perkins for balcony and for Cass-having.
YAY Fay! I'm so glad for you. I hope you love Thailand. I've always wanted to visit there.
Oh, and for those who were wondering, I never did find m motivation. I knew I should have put a microchip in that sucker...
Oh, and for those who were wondering, I never did find m motivation. I knew I should have put a microchip in that sucker...
Let me guess, you kept meaning to but never quite got around to it for some reason?
note to libkitty's landlords: Be glad the early warning system prevented damage to your property. Please to imagine the cost of replacing spongy flooring. Then go buy her a box of chocolate chip cookies. Because I said so, dagnabit.
Sail, I grieve for your auntie, but rejoice that she gets to see her family around her before the end. It sounds good because it's the scenario I hope to get myself. May all the pain and fear go stay with someone else (and I have suggestions).
Waves across the bay at Cass. Lookit all the dramatic weather we're having today! Usually there is no dusting of white on our hills.
...wanders off, searching for motivation. It's probably sitting on the couch with the nice warm cat. Or perhaps it lurks between the pages of my book. No, wait, surely the motivation is hidden beneath a pile of chocolate brownies! I'll have to check all those out.
Just skipped elenventy billion posts to say K-Bug and I made it to Arizona safe and sound. It was quite a day yesterday. Her softball game turned out to be a scrimmage against a REALLY bad team, we won 11-0. The worst part was that it was FREEZING on Concord. The game ended after the other pitcher hit three girls in a row - the last being dear K-Bug. She took one in the ribs and has a pretty bruise now.
We finally got to hit the road at 7:15 pm and with minimal stops I was able to crawl into bed here at 8:30 am for a power nap before the first baseball game. The A's were playing the Angel's and were winning 16-3 in the 7th when we left. Yes, I left a game early. Quit with the shock and awe. No autographs today - but we are going to hit hard tomorrow.
The rest of today will be spent puttering around town and then turning in early.
So - how is everyone else? I caught that Katie's meeting did not go as expected and that Perkins is once again hogging the pretty.
This may be the funniest vintage dress ever. Too big for me (and by now way, way, way out of my price range), but damn, if I had a shitload of money lying around that didn't need to be spent on actual useful stuff, I'd totally buy it for one of the other Bitches.
And I'm outta here. Might post another update before we head home, might now....vacation is so much fun!!!
And I'm outta here. Might post another update before we head home, might now....vacation is so much fun!!!
...wanders off, searching for motivation. It's probably sitting on the couch with the nice warm cat. Or perhaps it lurks between the pages of my book. No, wait, surely the motivation is hidden beneath a pile of chocolate brownies! I'll have to check all those out.
This sounds like a plan to me. To hell with motivation. I say just enjoy the trip if it's anything like this.