I myself would kiss the president on the lips if it would get me out of going to the grocery store for just one year.
And I thought I hated shopping.
Sorry that the asshats didn't have to suffer more Katie. You did the right thing challenging them. Karma gonna get them.
Go SA with the mad skillz.
Thanks for the congratulations, guys. To clarify--it's 5.5 on a 6 point scale, and I'm pretty sure the entire reason I didn't get a six was because, well, they don't give perfect scores. *g* But that has made my day.
Of course, now I have to write a proposal to turn in before 5...yikes.
Yay SA for the awesome score!
Boo on the evil former employers, may their boils develop boils and their toes rot off with fungus.
I like grocery shopping. It's required that I spend the money, so it's not like I'm indulging myself, and yet I get to buy things!
Update: Still have not found joint compound. There will be consequences.
Oh, Katie, that's just fucktastically unjust.
Toto does need that
so sorry katie
yay for SA
insert long pause
oh yeah.... if someone offers to go to the store - the answer is thank yo - and don't worry about the list, unless they are paying.
that's everything , I think.
Dear people who aren't returning my emails.
You are annoying me. Please answer my emails, and then go away.
Thanks ever so much.
Dear people who aren't returning my emails.
::checks all email inboxes::
NOT IT! (Phew)
Dear Cow-irker: If you have your cell phone ring set to a "cute" tune and the volume turned up to 11, could you please keep the friggin' phone with you?!?
Yay, SA! Yay, Fay! Yay,....the day!
I just wanted to rhyme for a bit more.
Katie, I'm glad you at least got to cause the evil ex-boss inconvenience. I hope he is further inconvenienced by creepy crawlies in places they aren't supposed to. So, there!
meara, may the Universe lay offa your coworkers!
Deena, the joint compound is probably where the kids left it. Look under the sink.
IOmemeN, the drive over to Michigan sucked. It rained nearly the entire way and I hate driving in the rain at night. We did arrive safely, though, so the fact I have no teeth left from grinding them is moot, I'll definitely trade one for the other. Besides, dentures would be whiter and straighter than my own teeth. My aunt has been moved into hospice care, which is an indication they don't expect her to make it. She has her moments of lucidity, but I'm not sure if her lungs and heart are up to full recovery. She appeared glad to see us, as I was very happy to see her again, too. I'm hoping she'll defy expectations and move back into the regular side of the nursing home. So, a very bittersweet visit. Great to see cousins I haven't seen in 3-4 years, sad that it may be the last time I see my aunt.