Best of luck to Katie and Cass!
MG, tell work that you'll only travel on K-Bug's birthday if they're sending you to Denver. (I figured it was worth a shot.)
Very long meeting coming up in 15 minutes. Don't wanna go. As an adult, I seriously need a Get Out Of Long Ass Meeting Free card. I've tried using my Bitch Cards but they didn't work.
I wish Nicole. Unfortunately there are folks FROM Denver who are visiting the Boise office and that is the reason for the trip. Dag nabbit.
45 minutes and then I'm OUTTA HERE and won't be back until next Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a fabulous trip, MG!!! We'll miss you!!!
Well, you will hear from me, I'm sure. I have a favorite internet cafe that I'll be hitting at some point!
If your Pop n Drop score changes even the slightest bit while you're on vacation, you're in trouble. Got it?
Go, Cass!!!! You are amazing; have a fantastic trip!
Ok, I am sooooooo glad I have my appointment today. It is not normal behavior to almost go through the phone at a tenant with the intent to murderize them. It's really not.
Good luck, Cass!
Have fun, MG!
You can make it, Aimee.
My mom is on her way to pick up dinner, then come over for the evening and take care of me. I have good peeps.
It's snowing in Portland. SNOWING!
Good luck, Cass!
Somehow, I'm thinking there needs to be an extra helping of 2 to help cope with nasty ol' A. So I'm wishing for that.
We had rain earlier today here in southern Arcticada, IJS ...
We had rain earlier today here in southern Arcticada, IJS ...
Meanwhile, here it's getting up to 36 over the weekend (97 for the Celsius-challenged). It's playing havoc with my plans. Wallybee has suggested swimming, I've been evaluating the suggestion. Pros: Wallybee in a swimsuit. Cons: Me in a swimsuit.