I just called and let the leader of my knitting and crocheting group know that I won't make it tonight. She's so cute. She's gonna collect everyone up when they all get there (a little after 7pm), and come on over and keep me company in the waiting room
this made me happy enough to cry. 'Ccause I wanted to give vw a hug before she went to the ER.
That sweet wittle baby? The one that tried to kill us looked more like this:
Pfft. It looked nothing like that. It was just adorable white-faced fluffiness. It was Curious George with a pouch.
it was giant and snarling and trying to get me
it was giant and snarling and trying to get me
I think you have it confused with Guido the killer pimp.
Guido is not so snarly.
Then pimping must now involve a vow of silence, because the only one raising a ruckus in that encounter was vaulting over the humans in full flight mode.
Being a pimp just got a little easier, actually.
This, OTOH, is fantastic: [link]
I'm imagining the guy in the penguin suit saying "Hail to the king, baby!" in a voice not unlike Bruce Campbell doing his Elvis voice.