Aimee, will she be sitting on a stool or on a flat surface? Personally, I like the eggplant dress option, but you might keep in mind what will look best in whatever pose they use. (IME, with a non-walking baby, skirts tend to bunch up and not look so flattering.)
ION, Ellie will be wearing her Princess Army dress last seen around these parts for some pictures tomorrow. There will be live baby bunnies (who are provided a safe and loving home once picture season is over).
Hugs and punctuation to MG and vw and anyone else who needs it.
While a tub is great, vw, hot showers can be really helpful for pain too, especially if you can focus the spray on the painful area. Of course, that means you have to stand up, and if that makes things worse, this may not be a great idea.
MG, your whole situation is heartbreaking for me. When I was in high school, I had friends in similar situations (not the precipitating event, but the rest), and I, also, made a lot of bad choices. I don't know if this is helpful at all, but I think that for many teens their lives seem to be so out of control that they don't really have options. That is, they do have options, but they don't see them, even when they may seem really obvious to others. So, while C seems to be turning away from you and all you've taught, this may not feel like a conscious choice to her at this time. This isn't to say that you should do anything differently or feel anything differently, but I hope that it helps with the acceptance thing. Also, as others have said, I really believe that the good you've done will make a difference, even if C doesn't realize it for years.
Sticking with the antibiotics for now, Teppy. I have lots of side effects, but they aren't severe. How are you doing?
And, in mememe news, we had a power outage today. Heavy snow. And this evening I'm supposed to visit an injured friend who lives at the top of an unplowed hill. My timing sucks. Why didn't I visit her Monday when I would have had to climb the hill, but would only have had to deal with light rain on the way up?
biscuits and gravy:
I like C, Aimee, because of the boots, but B sounds like a fine choice too.
Then I totally vote eggplant.
Is it antibiotic week in Bitches? I've been on three in the last week. Now? Mother of all yeast infections. Whee to the hee. grumble
Much healing, coping and opportunity realizing ~ma to all.
I have 3 toes.
I have three toes too.
did the guy I took them off of put up a fight.
Just paged my doctor. She was supposed to call with blood results today, and hasn't yet. And I'm just in so much pain. I don't think she'll be able to do anything, but I just want to touch base with her.
I'm such a pain in the ass patient.
And damn did the guy I took them off of put up a fight.
I once read a novelisation of the life of King David. There's the occasion where he wants to marry King Saul's daughter, and the king (hoping to get rid of this upstart) demands a bride price of a hundred Philistine foreskins. The book's David explains he had a real bugger of a time before he realised he could kill them first.
Aimee, Em's adorable - you just need to pick the adorablest outfit for her.
OK ... totally inappropriate crosspost.
(waves to billytea)