Perkins, I'm so tired, it took me a minute to parse that but YAY!!!!!
In C related news, while she has yet to show any geniune regret for the lies and lack of respect, yesterday she at least thanked my mom for all she has done for her.
I don't know when I'll see C again. She won't be back at the house to pack out until the weekend and I'm gone until Tuesday. I feel like an evil, cold-hearted woman cause I have had to block my feelings for her.
Not evil. Self preservation is never evil.
Your feelings aren't evil. You are justifiably hurt and upset. As an adult who realizes that C has had YEARS of bad parenting and so can't recognize good parenting right now and doesn't have the tools to face responsibility, you can't express those feelings, but the feelings are perfectly healthy. I hope you can support C from the outside in the future if it comes up--she desperately needs a stabilizing force in her life, even though she doesn't know it. And even if you never see her again, what you have given her so far is invaluable.
Gah, C's dad just called to get the bf's phone numbers. Yes, dad knows all, including the situation that sparked this (no, I'm not going into details on that).
no, I'm not going into details on that
Uh, teenage girl lying and sneaking around? I just presumed it was boyfriend related since C didn't seem like a drug user.
Well, drugs were not at issue this time David, but she has in the past.
Last night I saw an australian movie called littlefish with a marvelous cast. Anyone else seen it?
I really should have, it got rave reviews over here. I've added it to my Quickflix list.
Sloth, thy name is Teppy.
Such a cool animal!
Sympathy for your situation continues from this quarter, MG. I'm really sorry that you not only had to go through all this, but especially that you might not get to see C crawl back out of the hole she is digging for herself. At least you know you've shown her where there are ladders.
Congrats, Nora!
MG, I will send what I have tonight. You got the PR stuff, right?
Sloth, thy name is Teppy.
Such a cool animal!
I have 3 toes.