Sympathy for your situation continues from this quarter, MG. I'm really sorry that you not only had to go through all this, but especially that you might not get to see C crawl back out of the hole she is digging for herself. At least you know you've shown her where there are ladders.
Congrats, Nora!
MG, I will send what I have tonight. You got the PR stuff, right?
Sloth, thy name is Teppy.
Such a cool animal!
I have 3 toes.
Mostly everyone has 3 toes!
Tep, your eyes look
in that picture.
Tep, your eyes look fantastic in that picture.
It's the white on the browbone that highlights them.
I have 3 toes.
Good to hear. The two-toed ones are just ornery.
I like this pic: [link] Baby sloth! And you get a great view of the green colouring.
More baby! [link] [link]
Perkins, I got PR, but have not uploaded it yet. K-Bug is going to be in for a surprise around 3am on our drive tomorrow night!!!!!
Between now and then - two softball games, a full day of work, more packing, homework, CJ snuggles, and undoubtedly more C drama.
My friend put this
on a onesie for our friend who's expecting twins (and loves the sloths!)