I have played cribbage. I might remember how...
It's the sitting down and eating dinner part that we don't do if it's just us, and I miss it. There's nothing stopping us but our own laziness, but that is formidable.
Erika, I support the casting off of fiscal reponsibility. I generally do, which probably means you shouldn't listen to me at all, but there it is.
Everything in my head seems to earworm back to Shoop or I Bruise Easily. With disturbing ease.
My earworm went back to Eminem's "Without Me". Gah.
guess who's back, back again...
I'm at work. I made it to two classes. Go me.
Or something.
Um...I'm getting shooting pains up my back from my legs. I wish my doctor would call about the test results so I can ask her about this.
I'm done. I'm just done with all this. Dad thinks I need to drop another class to relieve some of the pressure so I can focus on my job. I'm just ready to quit it all.
Also, the database project that got given to me yesterday just got taken away. Apparently, the Big!Boss yelled at the project leader for giving it to me, because I'm supposed to be focusing on the lit search.
Ugh. I'm frustrated.
Am I bad to admit I want Eminem on my iPod?
Sigh. Took the darn nurse 3 sticks to get my IV going today. And now my arm hurts like hell. While therapy will continue for 5 more weeks, progress has been noted and the doctor was quite pleased.