Ugh, that sucks, Tep.
Man, I'ma punch my doctor in the head the next time I see her. She isn't the GP I normally see; she's part of my GP's practice, and I've seen her before when my regular GP hasn't been in. Which is what happened this time. And if my ear hadn't hurt so much, I would have waited until my regular doc came back from vacation, because he has never done me wrong.
I admit, alternate!doctor had no idea that the Cipro would make me so sick to my stomach, though I *did* wonder why she was prescribing something for me that I'd never taken before, when my chart has a list of antibiotics that have worked beautifully in the past. And then the new antibiotic -- same thing. I'd never taken it before, AND she prescribed a MASSIVELY high dose for me, the kind of dose that people with *anthrax* need, for real. Not for an ear infection.
But I figured she knew what she was doing, and maybe the antibiotics she chose are the best against ear infections (versus bronchitis, UTIs, other infections a person might get), and that maybe the dosage was so high because I weigh more than the average woman, and drug dosages are often -- though not always -- based on weight.
And mostly I figured she knew what she was doing because, well, she's got a damn medical degree.
That'll teach me. Next time, I wait for good!doctor to come back from vacation.