I work in a law library, Epic, that is open to the public. All the delusional people come to us with questions.
Fun! In a roll your eyes forever kinda way.
Seeing as it is tax time, we've had a run of people trying to figure out how to make themselves over into churches, and the seasonal tax protesters.
Y'know, you don't really have to pay taxes. It's illegal and they can't make you. I read it on that there internet, so it's gotta be true.
Geez, MG, in at 5am and subjected to that? I wish I could teleport you chocolate-chip cookies. You've clearly earned them.
... I hope that it's good medical information, and I hope nobody ever has to use it.
Well, its better for people to have a clue before they show up with an appointment with an underground "real" doctor.
I'm not sure what the answer is. Because SD is not a small state. It isn't like CT where a new state was just an hour or two away.
Anna Nicole Smith is in Washington. There were clips on the news last night showing her being mobbed by media and bunches of tourists standing around snapping her picture.
I wish I could teleport you chocolate-chip cookies.
You and me both. I'm so darned hungry. One more hour until LUNCH.
Oooooh, either someone else strangled her, or she is finally off the phone. Either way - quiet.
I am sleepy. Unfortunately, my day is not over. Still have tutoring and work.
Sleep wanted NOW!
Rescheduled exam with no-show prof. Apparently I missed her by about 2 minutes. Oh, well. I wouldn't have had time to take the exam anyway. I'm taking it on Friday now. I just want the damn thing OVER.
writing a letter regarding the tickets is most likely to be responded to with a "well ok" than a "no". That is how I've had my last two non-delinquent parking tickets dismissed.
Really? Okay then. I have the PO Box address for disputes and I'll type up a letter. If it worked for you, and you live on a hellmouth, it just might work for me.
1 x 1 went well. Since I called out sick the last two days, I wasn't sure it would. Yay for no ugly surprises.
I hope that it's good medical information, and I hope nobody ever has to use it.
This. So very much. I've stayed away from the full breakdown of the ruling in SD because I haven't been in the best of moods as it is. I'd only seen a comic somewhere that hinted about rape/incest cases not being handled as special issues.
My hellmouth has its perks.
I can think of one "House-like" reason that won't work?
NOTADOC: How far along are you?