P-C, dunno yet. Which side of the Bay will you be living on?
Kristin, it was Lisa and Michael. I'd link you to a picture of them, but Kodak Gallery is being annoyingly uncooperative. Anyhow, a wee-ish (though a bit taller than you), pretty, fine-boned dark-haired couple.
Oh! I think I remember them. If they're who I think they are, I really liked them.
(If not, I'm talking out my ass, in which case, oops.)
Cass, Strength and peace to you and your friend's family.
Thanks so much, everyone, for your good thoughts, prayers, support, brackets, -ma, and everything. Each post means so much, I don't think I can express it adequately, but I certainly do appreciate it. You all are the best.
And on a completely different note - the cookbook is amazing. VW, Brenda, Raq, and Deena - phenomenal job. It looks great, and OMG those recipes. Cannot wait to start cooking my way through. Though, maybe I'll start with desserts? I think that's fair.
Interesting idea P-C. Would there be interest in an Oscar viewing party at my place? I'd love to have folks over.
Jen, my Home State Girl, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping your treatment goes as easily as possible for you.
I spent two hours in the bath. reading silly scifi/adventure -oh-no-mankind-is-messing-with-nature-book. where people were growing gills.
Jen, all the ~ma in the world to you.
Good news: MinnesotaGirl spent all day cancelling cards and closing bank accounts and so on...and then this evening some guy knocked on her door and let her know the contents of her wallet (except for cash and bus pass) were scattered all over his lawn...she's v. excited by that, even though it's kinda useless now.
But she says her face is all crazy colors and swollen and painful. Poor thing.
Please to pass on my best wishes to MNGirl. I can't believe those guys were so blatant - that's a pretty high-traffic area she lives in
Will do. The cops said there's been a lot of muggings, but she's the first girl who's also gotten beaten up. Gee, lucky her.
I was fighting two ancient crones who could shoot sewing needles from their fingertips
That would be super freaky!
I got an email from the HR person in Wellington, NZ, where I'd sent a resume
Ooh, Sparky, that's exciting. How do you have eligibility to work in NZ?
Jen, big hugs and best wishes and good good -ma.
reading silly scifi/adventure -oh-no-mankind-is-messing-with-nature-book. where people were growing gills.
Really? What book? I've read good and bad books with gills...:)