I've seen Girl Scout cookie ice cream but what's Big Gay Pirate cereal?
All my co-workers were selling Girl Scout cookies for their kids last week. I bought so many boxes. It will be impossible to resist the temptation for long.
A co-worker has two huge Great Danes that scared the hell out of a sweet little Girl Scout that came to his door. He felt horrible about it so he bought twelve boxes from her. He said she ran down the sidewalk to her mom yelling, "Mom! He said he wants to buy TWELVE BOXES!!!"
I should see if he wants some company tonight...
Man, when I was a GS I TOTALLY should have burst into tears at the dogs.
It's not slutty if he shares his cookies.
I would have peed my pants, I was scared of anything larger than a toy poodle at that age. Very brave girl to actually stand her ground and sell those cookies!
I just calculated, and I think I sold Girl Scout cookies for at least ten years, if you count the years that I went along with my older sister when she was selling them. (She figured that people would be less able to resist buying from little cute kid who opened with, "Hi! We're thelling Girl Thcout Cookieth! Would you like to buy thome?") By the end of my time as a Girl Scout, it had pretty much gotten around to, "What? Cookie time again? Do I havta?"
and also Big Gay Pirates cereal.
Ye gods, how much do I wish the cereal really WERE named that?!?
A *lot,* that's how much.
And *why* am I watching Willy Wonka on cable yet again? Though it makes me think -- something seems mighty unsavory about all 4 grandparents in one bed together.
but what's Big Gay Pirate cereal?
It was some chocolatey concoction called "Pirates of the Carribean" cereal with a big picture of Johnny Depp on the front.
Hil, your sister was a marketing genius.
Gronk. I don't want to be working any more today.