thanks for all your condolences.
The parents are in Florida so my sister-in-law and the rest of her family (all in NC) are headed down there this week. My mom's flying down to NC to help my brother with his kids. I at least got to buy my mom's ticket. It's good to be able to do one concrete if very small thing.
I'm so sorry, lisah. That's just awful.
I'm so sorry Lisa. What a nightmare. Much strength and peace to your family.
CJ is so cute!
Lisah, that is just too terrible to believe. I'm so sorry.
Cassie, can you hop on IM a sec?
Cassie, can you hop on IM a sec?
Don't do it, Cass! It's a trick!
Dude, I'm not going to yank IM out from under her like some Antipodean schoolboy.
Dude, I'm not going to yank IM out from under her like some Antipodean schoolboy.
Really? How do you do it then, like some Yankee with an eaten-by-her-own-dog fetish?
Or when you do it, do you yell "AAAAGH! POSSUM!"?