So, I was having a lightly-flirting back-and-forth email with a friend-of-a-friend, who I've never met in person. He sent me a picture, and he looked pretty good, not OMG! but good, and I said he looked good and sent a picture of me that I hoped didn't suck, and... he hasn't written me back.
ARGH. So, what, did he hate the photo? Is he sitting there now wondering how to back out of our proposed rendesvous? He already said he was sort-of-but-not-really seeing someone, so he already had an out if he decided he wanted coffee but no Coffee. Did my saying I wasn't seeing anyone somehow sound like I was already marrying him in my head? He's read my LJ, he's seen the icons that are pictures of me, how surprising could it have been? I thought I looked all right. Is this ridiculous? How can I be suddenly so emotionally invested in something that didn't even exist a few hours ago? Good grief, this is exactly why I don't date! Someone give me a sanity check, here, please!
Must be something in the air today -- my Brita filter has become incontinent and needs to be replaced.
Convienently, there were all large pieces of glass. So cleanup was annoying but not a bleeding experience.
JUST TALKED WITH MY NEICELET! I am so happy. God, I miss her like crazy. And my mail will finally go through to her.
I loathe and would happily mutilate my brother. And my SiL for good measure. Asswipes, the both of them.
So I am back to writing her every day again now. And I can send her stuff. Anything but food. Must find prezzies for her. I can't believe how happy I am to finally have neicelet chat again.
Meeting Epic soon. Must shower. Must also pause tv cause the vroom cars are mesmerizing.
calm - calm calm . umm, he might have had something to do. maybe his pitcher broke and he needed to clean the floor.
that's a cute haircut jessica.
I made lots of soup. I t has spice . just enough
Someone give me a sanity check, here, please!
I am so not the person to ask. But how long has it been since you've heard from him? Cause sometimes people just get stupid and don't respond for bits of time.
maybe his pitcher broke and he needed to clean the floor.
It's not like *that's* never happened. Razzenfrazzen shattering pitcher.
I am hungry. Good thing I am meeting Epic for foooooooooooooood soon.
I'd *completely* forgotten to get a business card with my stylists name written on it so that next time I can ask for her by name.
If you made an appointment, your name should still be on the book. She did manage to do what I thought impossible, which was to make your hair cuter.
zenkitty, it's too early to worry. He may, for example, have installed new software that keeps frelling with every single other thing he tries to do on his computer. (Okay, I may be projecting here. But my computer keeps telling me the server is busy. There is no server. Or it's the server. Either way, WTF?)
Jessica and beth have fabulous hair!
I'm at a friend's doing laundry. Oh, how I love wireless. And free laundry! I need to do some work, but I'm having too much fun playing with her son.
Oops, I forgot to mention Beth's cut, which is excellent.
There's some PBS travel program on the television.
Host: Why is this called Monkey River?
Native Guide: Well, there are a lot of monkeys.
I have washed, dried, folded and put away 4 loads of laundry today. Load #5 is in the dryer and I just started a load of diapers washing. I feel very accomplished.