I'm also up way too late. Need to go to sleep but I've been obsessively looking up permaculture links on the web.
I'm not even obsessing on anything. Just randomly wandering around the Internet poking at bits.
Should really sleep soon though.
which is to say, does his best vulture imitation in its general vacinity, and bites my fingers in eagerness to Get! Chips! Now! More! Chips! Now!
Heh. I don't get the cats liking eggs though. It's just weird. Then again, Kittenish ate my edameme once.
Harvey likes green beans. I've had more than one that would nibble on lettuce.
I have a cat who likes potato chips AND mashed potatoes. He will always investigate whatever I am eating but has not yet eaten eggs. And I thought he would.
I slept through my class.
This is not my semester.
ETA: Huh. Class was canceled, because the prof is sick. I don't suck!
Caucasian devil woman
we're getting descriminated against!
Dallas likes vegetables, particularly tomatos. Once in a greenmarket she got suspiciously quiet and I looked down to see ears sticking out of the gigantic Jersey the rest of her head was submerged in. I suspect it was the happiest day of her life.
Toto likes carrots. Old!Not!Emily got the biggest kick out of this and showed it to everyone he had over at the apartment. It's pretty funny.
I have so much reading and school work to do, and bleh.
My stomach's better though, the yogurt eating has helped.
Um...tree moving? Hire an itinerant lumberjack? I hear they're ok, if they sleep all night, and work all day...
Ask the movers. If they won't do it, ask a nearby nursery for suggestions.
Two more pieces of advice for driving with cats-- see if you can get someone to drive with you, and put towels over the carriers. As you know, Ozzie is a very vocal cat, but with a towel over the carrier, he barely made a peep.
my voice is deep and gravelly today. Matt was singing a version of spike's song , but my voice is lower today. ( However, I still can't sing)
Cats like eggs. Mine seem to know they are chicken-related. I have had several cats that liked potato chips. It would be nice to assume it is because the cats are most interested in the salt, but I have never seen a cat treat a salt shaker the way Harvey treats a bag of potato chips (which is to say, does his best vulture imitation in its general vacinity, and bites my fingers in eagerness to Get! Chips! Now! More! Chips! Now!
Harvey also likes fresh creamy butter. At least I assumed so after one attack on said substance after moving in. We keep it in a short ziplock container, now.
Yesterday we didn't get the cover on tight enough.
Well, either that or he spent all day on the project. Andi may have interrupted him in the act, because there were only tongue marks on the top, not the deep gouges from when he ate part of another stick.
Of course he did have a nice shiny coat soon after the first incident.