Cats like eggs. Mine seem to know they are chicken-related. I have had several cats that liked potato chips. It would be nice to assume it is because the cats are most interested in the salt, but I have never seen a cat treat a salt shaker the way Harvey treats a bag of potato chips (which is to say, does his best vulture imitation in its general vacinity, and bites my fingers in eagerness to Get! Chips! Now! More! Chips! Now!
Harvey also likes fresh creamy butter. At least I assumed so after one attack on said substance after moving in. We keep it in a short ziplock container, now.
Yesterday we didn't get the cover on tight enough.
Well, either that or he spent all day on the project. Andi may have interrupted him in the act, because there were only tongue marks on the top, not the deep gouges from when he ate part of another stick.
Of course he did have a nice shiny coat soon after the first incident.
But juliana is a Caucasian devil woman.
H'rm. I'm starting to think I should collar the two Indian postdoc fellows in our division (one immigrant, one first-generation USian, both still actively connected to their family and cultural history, though, sadly, both already married) and ask if they have any non-devil woman single friends.
hrummmpppph. I decided I am sick . breakfastmade me very tired. no lion dance at the local very good chinese place for me tonight.
beth, that gives you the perfect excuse to sit and watch farscape all day long. I reccomend this as a course of action for any sickness.
(SA posting as SA. No, really.)
BAH- I hate not being able to get a lower student loan rate because I consolidated in the mid 90s at freaking 9%!
OMG, Nora! That's outrageous!
Damn, Nora. That's pretty high.
I can't take advantage of any of these consolidation rates because it's been consolidated already. I am just going to call on Monday and, I don't know, demand a new loan. Or something. I don't know.
Good luck, honey. I'm right now working out how to take a loan at all, a prospect I find scary scary. (That is, not a loan that the financial aid people settled for me.)
Has anyone posted Chaucer's blog?
"And thus, take two pintes of hagen dasz dulce de leche, a ful seson of buffie the vampyre slayre, and calle me in the morninge."
Lovely stuff.