Teacup Guy and I had the most wonderful belated Valentine's dinner last night, and were even able to sleep in today. It was very nice.
{{{Owen}}} I hope the little guy feels better soon.
{{{Teppy}}} Cipro is the worst of the antibotics as far as stomach upset. I hope you're feeling better soon.
juliana, there are no words. Sorry.
The source of evil was defeated.
There are still evil saplings to be slain though. After I launder the towels.
Dear Makers of Pet Care Products:
Please to not be naming dog grooming tools "The Love Glove." Ta ever so, and I'll be billing you for the brain bleach.
Dear Kitchen Gadget Hawking Infomerical:
Please re-name The Magic Bullet. *I* know its a wee blender. NOW I know its a wee blender. The fact that I had to spend several days listenting to my Mom tell several people "I got E______ a Magic Bullet for her 16th Birthday!" "Oh, E______ just LOVES the Magic Bullet I got her for her Sweet Sixteen" "E______ said she would share her Magic Bullet with the rest of the family -- isn't that sweet?" and the like without snorting. to. death. truly gives me the right to make this request.
Emotionally Scarred Me
Thanks, guys! I'm still waiting to hear all the details about the offer, which is why I haven't posted in Beep Me just yet.
sj, it's good to see Teacup Guy's still in the picture.
I had a celebratory chocolate almond milkshake.
Also, just as I predicted, the fact that I have a job has kicked off the search for my wife.
Oh dear.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire, eh, P-C?
Well, congrats on the job, at least, P-C!
SA, you still coming up at 10 p.m. tonight? I may actually be gone from work by then. (Grumble.)
Out of the frying pan and into the fire, eh, P-C?
Buffistas should also look for a wife for P-C - we could race against his mother.
Yay for the job P-C! Boo for your parents trying to find you a wife. Good luck with that.
hey, all.
I am actually feeling much better today. My nose is no longer running like the NYC Marathon.
Mexican Wedding cookies! My favorite kind of cookie! Damn, now I want some...
They have a BLENDER called the Magic Bullet? Oh, god. I have one of those, but it makes my milkshake bring all the boys to the yard, iffn you get my drift...
Hey, I bet there are plenty of Bayistas willing to help him out.