Alright, I'll break down and ask.
Anybody have any recs for good SG-1 Jack/Sam? Bonus points for happyfun stories.
There's...well, a lot of...crap. I'll just say it. Crap. Out there. And not in the fun badfic way.
Willow ,'Never Leave Me'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Alright, I'll break down and ask.
Anybody have any recs for good SG-1 Jack/Sam? Bonus points for happyfun stories.
There's...well, a lot of...crap. I'll just say it. Crap. Out there. And not in the fun badfic way.
Aha! I will save you, Debetesse!
The best Jack/Sam shippers are Nanda (Nandamai on LJ), Jul (Splash_the_Cat on LJ), and Nos (Nostalgia_lj). Oh, and Elly. I have some Sam/Jack recs here, but I have to admit most of the Sam/Jack I've read isn't that great because there are such enormous barriers to the relationship, and the vast majority of the writers don't really handle it well. The absolute best Sam/Jack is, IMHO, Nanda's Resolution and the horrifying aftermath in Salvage. Links on that page above.
For the love of all that is holy, stay away from the Pit of Voles. The recs on Bright Shiny Objects are very good; the recs on Crack_Van are sometimes good, other times not so good. Both will have a preponderance of slash; it's my considered opinion that most of the better writers in the fandom write Jack/Daniel, but I couldn't tell you why.
And if you're looking for yummy threesomes, check out Katie's stuff [link] or Salieri. [link] Good stuff there. More links in my post above.
Yeah, I looked through the Crack_Van archives. Not much there (lots and lots of Jack/Daniel), and, yes, very spotty. Also tending toward the angsty, which I am not inherently opposed to, but it's good to lighten up sometimes, you know?
I was so hopeful, since I'd found a ship that's actually canon...maybe that's why people aren't writing it (well).
Thank you muchly.
Is there any GOOD Alias fic out there? (Or else hilariously aswful Alias fic?)
Your best bet is Splash, then, and yeah, Nanda's got a lot of happy post-retirement stuff.
Good Alias? Check out Bright Shiny Objects. And Polyrecs. (I think I need a macro for this...)
I really like Vanzetti's work, but she's a bit offkilter; if you like Spydaddy and/or Sark you may like her stuff. And of course, Dana has written some excellent stuff.
it's a, right?
Hmm. HappyFun Sam/Jack?
I've read some S/J but I like the messed-up/wrong variety better. Nanda's "Salvage" linked by 'Suela above is great, but it's definitely not happy. Some of her other stuff is less angsty.
I really like the stories by Jemima Pereira: "The Alternative Universe Survival Guide" and its sequel, "The Perfect Set-up" are a pair of delightful in-character S/J romp that makes a good use of the quantum mirror device. My favorite story of hers by far is "White Dove" (another quantum mirror story) though, which is not fluffy, but is odd and quirky and kind of tragic in a very understated way.
I love elly's stories, but again, not so much with the happy. Oh my God. "Left Behind". What a trainwreck.
Christine does good Sam/Jack. [link] She gives good femslash and character pieces, too.
Suz Voy is prolific and popular and she's not bad, although personally, I find her stuff a bit too fluffy.
Like Suela, I don't really read the pairing widely. so if there have been good new writers lately, I'm probably missing them.
Cool. Thanks
I keep forgetting about CGB, which is stupid, because she's so very good at just about everything she writes.
And I just reread Elly's Concessions. Ouch. And Yum.