Ooh! Thanks for the link, SA. I had no idea you were posting recs.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Yeah, I started this summer, overhauling my bookmarks and the stuff I saved on my computer. There'll be more updates this spring when I have regular internet access again. Hope you enjoy them.
In ARRRRGGGHHH!!!! news, I've been trying for two days to post a chapter of the story-that-won't-die to ff.net, and it keeps coming up with the formatting all frelled up. That's after finally getting it to post the entire chapter and not cutting it off in the middle of things.
I wish they hadn't made the site so 'helpful'. I can't get anything to post properly anymore.
Last thing I posted there, my asterisks I had dividing sections got eaten. I tried to fix it three times and then just stopped caring.
That happened to me, too, except I use ###s instead of ***s. It didn't stop the carnage.
Yeah, I finally caved and did the dividing line they've got as one of their pre-sets. I don't like it, but it was easier than trying to work around it.
t snerk
Via mastermind Consuela, who is barred from here during working hours:
Please, spread this word around: in order to honor the fantabulous shrift, who is working too hard these days and who does so much for fans and fandom, some of her friends have started the LJ community slounger. Today is the day we will be posting fic and other goodies for Shrift, to let her know how much we appreciate her.
Anyone is welcome to join the community and post enthusiastic things about Shrift, who rocks mightily, yea.
C'mon over and join the fun!
Alright, I'll break down and ask.
Anybody have any recs for good SG-1 Jack/Sam? Bonus points for happyfun stories.
There's...well, a lot of...crap. I'll just say it. Crap. Out there. And not in the fun badfic way.