I wish I'd been able to get in on the pinch-hitting business, but ce la vie.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I wish I'd been able to get in on the pinch-hitting business, but ce la vie.
When will Yuletide Treasure stories be available to read?
Christmas Day, I think.
The morning of the 25th, whenever astolat wakes up (EST).
For the lovely folk who read what I write, I just posted a follow-up of sorts to "From Hell's Heart." It hints at that icky Spandy slash stuff, so be warned.
Let's see if I can do a fancy link.
Yuletide Treasure stuff:
On the Yay! side: My recipient loved her story! She did figure out who I was, but no big deal.
On the Boo! side: There's no story posted for me. sniffle
What had you requested, Anne?
A weird assortment of things. I'd requested either NCIS (straighforward cop show), Alice 19th (manga), or Millennium (spooky cop drama). I'm sure one of the pinch-hitters will do a nice job of stepping up to the plate, though. It's just annoying to have to wait.
Alas, I know nothing about the above fandoms, else I'd have a crack myself. Bugger.
Anne, I was pretty sure I saw NCIS being offered up during the pinch-hit auction, and now I'm seeing a story that looks like it's for you on the archive.