What was the significance of the dog, what happened to Bony and the old woman, and why the hell were they after Spike in the first place?
Yeah, I would have liked some further exploration of that, too. I wasn't sure whether to take Spike's "explanation" at face value. I was willing to forgive plot stuff, because everything else was sooo wonderful, but I was a little disappointed in the lack of follow-through.
The dog, if I understand correctly, is [representative of Liv's status. Ownership and stuff. The thugs were really annoyed at Spike's cavalier adoption of their traditions. Traditions which we never actually learn, IIRC. ...Also, I'm not quite clear on why Xander was held captive against his will, since his own health was the only thing his freedom could've possibly endangered. I thought that there'd be an explanatory footnote in the eventual revelation of customs, but there was no revelation.]
I still really enjoyed the story, though. The angst is so painful, and the dialogue is so good.