Wow, that's some .... exciting lessons in physics! What with the melting and dissolving.
Sadly, the scene must end with dinner burning to a crisp in the oven, catching the house afire, and killing them both.
Halle-freakin'-lujah, I should think.
I think I must be doing the sex wrong. I tend to stay in a solid form for the proceedings. Clearly there should be more melting. Or perhaps evaporation? Ooh, maybe sublimation!
Ooh, maybe sublimation!
<prim>How shocking! I was raised to never sublimate before marriage.</prim>
I just got the nicest email from someone thanking me for two years of writing, two years being as long as my website has been up. I'm all happy and smiley now.
Well, between McTabby's Summary Executions and LFN, my cackles must have been heard all over the damned building by now.
...nothing to see here. Just a girl writing her reports, yes siree. Ahem.
Lovely LoC, Connie, and you deserve it. It's so damned nice when people write to you out of the blue, isn't it?
Oh - Shrift 'n' Dana, thank you once more for your lovely site. Fresh from gorging on Seasons 1 and 2 of
I've gone seeking fic and have been merrily working my way through your recs. Had I more time, and did I know canon better (I've heard unfortunate things about Season 3, but at least that means I'm braced for it) I'd be v. tempted to write fic. Anyone got any other recs? I enjoy all the core characters, but would be particularly fond of good Jack fic, or Irina (?sp?) fic, or J/I, or Sark/Irina, or S-I, or Dixon,, sod it. Anything. Syd/Vaughn not something I feel a burning need to read or write at present, although I've enjoyed them a lot on screen - I'm more interested in Marshall and Dixon and Sloane and Will and Francie....
- and Weiss! How could I forget him? Bless!)
I like Syd and Vaughn a lot, but they're central to most everything onscreen anyway, and I tend to be drawn to the edges most of the time, characterwise ('kay, 'cept in
where my love was directed firmly at the boys who were centre stage, but it's the exception that proves the rule. Or something.)
Er. Yeah. So - anything.
You have actually read shrift's Alias fic, right? Not just the recs?
she has MS which triggered a near-fatal heart attack
Just poking my head in to say that in this case correlation is most definitely not causation. It's entirely possible that she has MS and then she had a heart attack, but there's no relationship between the two.
t /MS pedant
You have actually read shrift's Alias fic, right? Not just the recs?
t sheepish
Er. No. 'Net access very haphazard of late, and all I've done so far is start to work through the rec list. I didn't even realise Shrift
fic, although I think I must have known that at some point back before I had a context for it.
Okay, so that was a dumb question. Didn't need links, went to bifictional bedlam.
Gah. Also guh, and bless. But - hell's teeth, Dana. You didn't mention your own fic.
Safe House.
Am now broken. It's official.