You have actually read shrift's Alias fic, right? Not just the recs?
t sheepish
Er. No. 'Net access very haphazard of late, and all I've done so far is start to work through the rec list. I didn't even realise Shrift
fic, although I think I must have known that at some point back before I had a context for it.
Okay, so that was a dumb question. Didn't need links, went to bifictional bedlam.
Gah. Also guh, and bless. But - hell's teeth, Dana. You didn't mention your own fic.
Safe House.
Am now broken. It's official.
Jen, I'm honestly not sure if she is sick or if it's a case of Munchausen-by-Internet, you know? At the very least, I have friends like you and Deb who also have MS, so I'm not mindlessly bowled over by her story.
But - hell's teeth, Dana. You didn't mention your own fic.
Well, you know. But thank you.
Yeah - I'm looking at ratings, trying to find something new to read. What does "non-chan" mean?
Has anyone been reading/writing
I'm up to episode six now (I have no idea of the episode titles), and I think I'd like something to read. Slash would be nice, and I don't particularly care if I'm spoiled.
What does "non-chan" mean?
None of the participants are underaged. Probably, anyway. (I have no idea whether it would exclude, for instance, seventeen-year-olds.
Lost slash archive: [link]
Lost fanfiction archive: [link]
What does "non-chan" mean?
"No, I'm not a paedophile, honest."
Sorry, knee-jerk response. What Katie said. In HP, usually "they wait to have sex until he's over sixteen".
Thanks Katie and Am-Chau, that makes sense. Not sure what it stands for, but now I know what it means.
Some of the stories out there are just plain scary. Sigh.
Chan is an anime term, like yaoi (which is male/male relationships). I think it's a Japanese word, but I'm not sure.
Bust had an article about women and anime this issue, it mostly talked about the writers and artists but fanfic and yaoi were mentioned.
Thanks Dana.
Now I can mainline the crack. I hope you're proud of yourself.