Well, if you want lots of pretty narrative with eventual Spike/Xander smut, there's Modus Vivendi.
I also like The Gift of a Stranger, by Sylvia. Mulder/Krycek.
(Those are both ~700k with maybe 20k of smut each, because I've read nothing PWPish lately, kind of surprisingly... You can always skim, right? :))
Did it help?
Well.... I did end up sleeping. At four in the morning. I'm suprisingly chipper for my sheer lack o'sleep.
I'll try Gift.
I can't understand PWP that doesn't have about 4 pages of set-up per page of sex.
This is why I fail to write PWP. Fucking Plot. Always ruins my fun.
Pah! Season 7! Please, a spoiler warning isn't too much to ask?
"Dead Xanders aren't much fun."
No quote from anything, just a thought.
You did mean to earworm me with "Dead Puppies," right, connie?