ok, #1, I don't think that's actually a sentence.
#2 it's a robot, right? writing these stories? Because, while I can buy that I've never been in Twu Wuv, no. Just. No. And I can't imagine anyone (and I'm assuming this writer is female) who has ever...No.
I'm not sure if I'm depressed or inspired.
Go inspired, choose inspired!
I mean, hey, I'm still working on that one thing with the porn, so you'd have company.
like a woman in love she could climax with just a look from Michael.
Clearly the focused and skilled sexual activity is assumed to go without saying. Don't we all use "just a look" to mean "just a look up from where he had been eating her out for the better part of an hour"?
Just a look would be a turn on, sure.
Just a look to make her come?
I'll have what she's having.
ION, I got feedback from Somebody I Don't Know in re my Buffy/ Homicide Gingerbread fic. And he's not a Buffy fan, so the ending will even have HSQ and all that. Cool, huh? I thought so.
Dude, you've never eyefucked?
Dude, you've never eyefucked?
I always walk into the room at the awkward moment...
Has anyone got any Stargate: Atlantis recs?
Two episodes and I'm already looking for fic. I'm so frickin' easy.
I think Suela linked to Minnow's John Shepherd story further upthread. I haven't read it yet, since I'm a couple episodes behind, but she writes the good stuff.
Seven Ways John Sheppard Goes Home. Other than that, there's basically a lot of shipfic--either McKay/Sheppard or Weir/Sheppard, is my understanding, though because of the skew of my flist I mostly see the former.
...which I should probably point you to, huh? The het I can't help you with. Atlantis slash is being archived at Area 52; also try thegrrrl, who I know has been writing McKay/Sheppard and who's written some good Jack/Daniel. (I don't know if you read slash, though.)