The World Turned Upside Down.
Wow, that was amazingly well-written.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The World Turned Upside Down.
Wow, that was amazingly well-written.
Hell, if we had to pay Shrift for all the time she spends coding fansites, she'd have more than enough money to move to LA.
Dude, I could live on Mars. (And I have money to move to LA. I merely lack conviction.)
Does anyone have any recs for good and non-slashy stories set in the Horatio Hornblower, Master and Commander, Sharpe's, etc. universes.
Anne, I have links to good resources/archives for these fandoms, and I'll happily dig into them this weekend. When I'm not at work.
So I shouldn't point out the one where they're in space?
Yeah, probably not. I think this is a case where I'm so satisfied with the stories as are that any really wild change just feels all wrong. If I were looking for fanfic, I'd be more interested in things like, oh, I dunno, more of Sophie or Diana's perspective.
But the boys have sex!
Okay, my kink.
Well, I'm a non-slash-reading weirdo. But, in general, I'm so satisfied with the books as they are that I probably shouldn't bother with fanfic--I just wish they got home to England a little more often because my stereotypical feminine side keeps wanting to catch up with Sophie and the kids. (I still haven't quite finished my first read of the series--I'm about a quarter of the way through The Truelove.)
And I've only read the first book, so I'm really in no position to talk about canon or anything. I mostly fell in love with the fandom through shalott and my friend grit kitty's fic.
Well, you know, Shalott. She could make me read wing!fic and like it.
Is she going to tell people what name her novels are published under, so we can all run out and buy them?
I'm sure she will. And I've read the first one. It's faboo.
I hate you.
t pouts
Right place, right time.
She's so damn cool. This seriously couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.