Well, note that if I ever finish it Vonnie will be getting non!zombie fic for the price of a couple packages of Tim Tams.
Hey, didja see Tafkar's OT3 post? Very cute, I thought.
I did. It was past my ability to suspend disbelief--it was Pete who put it over the edge--but yeah, cute. I loved Daniel and the sushi.
The only Aubrey & Maturin stuff I know of is by Shalott, and that's most definitely slash.
Well, there's always the one where Jack turns into a woman. Hey Anne, how does your father feel about genderbending? (I am so very kidding.)
Well, there's always the one where Jack turns into a woman.
t double-take
The who whatting how with the huh?
Oddly enough, Susan, it's really good. Shalott just landed a three-novel contract with a publishing house.
I've never read anything by her that wasn't really good.
I looked at the first few paragraphs, and it's certainly written well, and she's considered the implications of the situation, but still. No. Just no. I'd be equally disturbed if they met a dragon or little green men from Mars. That much messing with reality just doesn't meld with my conception of that 'verse.
little green men from Mars
So I shouldn't point out the one where they're in space?
It's a series of five AUs based on the story idea of "Five Things That Never Happened", which swept fandom for a while. And my god, are they fabulous.
The World Turned Upside Down.
Wow, that was amazingly well-written.
Hell, if we had to pay Shrift for all the time she spends coding fansites, she'd have more than enough money to move to LA.
Dude, I could live on Mars. (And I have money to move to LA. I merely lack conviction.)
Does anyone have any recs for good and non-slashy stories set in the Horatio Hornblower, Master and Commander, Sharpe's, etc. universes.
Anne, I have links to good resources/archives for these fandoms, and I'll happily dig into them this weekend. When I'm not at work.