While I knew it was a humor piece, I didn't know it was by Rudnick. Now I'm picturing Wednesday and Pugsly Addams, holding shovels and looking down with satisfied expressions.
Pugsley: Was he voted out?
Wednesday: Does it matter?
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
While I knew it was a humor piece, I didn't know it was by Rudnick. Now I'm picturing Wednesday and Pugsly Addams, holding shovels and looking down with satisfied expressions.
Pugsley: Was he voted out?
Wednesday: Does it matter?
Well, Suela, given that some people were treating it the way they would the stories Dana posts here for people to laugh at, it seemed worth noting that it wasn't in fact "badfic."
I just read the NYT Bush/Kerry piece. It's hysterical! And he hits a lot of the badfic cliches. Yeah it's intentional bad fic, but it's still BadFic.
Well, I don't know about that. I'd say it was intentional badfic, though.
ETA: Or, what askye said. Also, I had that Smallville flashback. I was rather fond of that story.
Oh, oh! I got feedback for the Smallville dancefic story today! What was that, two, two and a half years ago? Somebody actually recommended it as a favorite club story!
Well, as long as he wasn't aiming for goodfic. Because he missed.
Whooo!! for the feedback !! Was that really 2 1/2 yrs ago?
I'm actually surprised there's any doubt that it was a spoof. It's hard to write that funny by accident, at least if you're a good writer to start with.
I posted this in my lj but I thought I'd do it here as well...
I'm looking for het stories. Really hot het stories. Xander/Anya, Sam/Teal'c, Wash/Zoe, Cordy and anyone but Angel. Actually any good story het or slash where Teal'c gets laid.
Well, it's at least more than two years, since that's how long I've now been in this apartment, and I know I wrote it in the old one.
One of my flashfiction stories got recced in one of fourthvine's entries about a month ago, too. Guess my writing appreciates with time.