Bloom County rulez! Or it did.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I love Bloom County. This week's Opus was a nice reminder of Bloom County at its best. Many of them have been, I dunno, a bit too nasty of late.
I like Nutty's theory of specialized language for porn. It makes some kind of sense to me.
Speaking of fic, since that's where we are, Thea just posted a lovely little Buffy post-Not Fade Away snippet here.
This is all very, very interesting. As for me, I've always broken down porn vs. erotica as follows:
Porn = characters aren't important, only bodies and lots of details about Tab A going into Slot B, etc. There's nothing in the story that shows why it's important why Character A is shagging Character B and/or C. In fact, it would be easy to swap in characters from another fandom with no one really noticing.
Erotica = Along with all the bits about, well, bits, it is important that it is those two (or three, or four) specific people going at it like bunnies. There should be some sort of emotional or intellectual freight, maybe some hint of consequences to be faced or obstacles that have been overcome, etc. and so forth. There doesn't necessarily have to be much of a plot, but there should be the sense that these are people screwing, not just bodies.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, I think so.
Yep, makes sense.
Porn = impersonal
Erotica = personal
Porn = characters aren't important,
To me, this is definitely the biggest distinction. Most of the other factors that people mentioned can go either way, depending on the writer's skill, intent, whatever. This is the heart.
Isn't the difference basically: erotica is what turns me on, porn is what turns you on, and smut is what turns those other people on?
This is why your shit is stuff, while everyone else's stuff is shit.
t /George Carlin
Brighid's posted Jack/Daniel/Sam. I do so love fandom.
Brighid's posted Jack/Daniel/Sam
And it's believable, sad, funny, and smoking hot. Also, sadly, locked at the moment. I'll post a link when it shows up on her archive.
In other news, Hossgal wrote a brilliantly funny story about Simon, Jayne, and a new shirt. NC-17, and all the voices are perfect. I particularly love her Wash.