The Scarab! I love that story. I think I'd recc'd it on BSO, too, several months ago. My favorite bit in the story was Buffy and Teal'c bonding as warriors, even though Buffy predictably had trouble pronouncing Teal'c's name.
Whoever did the SG rec this month on Crack Van did a great job, and not just because she recc'd Katie's "In the Wrong Story", which I adore.
Casapazzo, I think, who's one of the mods at CV. And yeah, there's some great stuff there. I read Katie's story for the nth time. Unfortunately, I keep thinking there's gonna be sex in it, because of the snippets she's posted to her LJ since then.
t blinks at Katie innocently
Want my apocathreesome, already!
Speaking of which, I was toying with writing some apocasex for the This isn't Wartime series, but I don't think I can make it happen. Jack's just... resistant. He's too much in command at the moment to let it happen. Bastard.
Whoever did the SG rec this month on Crack Van did a great job, and not just because she recc'd Katie's "In the Wrong Story", which I adore.
t bounces in a restrained and backchannely manner, because she was pretty chuffed to see that
Unfortunately, I keep thinking there's gonna be sex in it, because of the snippets she's posted to her LJ since then.
t blinks back innocently
Hmm? What? Did you say something?
Speaking of which, I was toying with writing some apocasex for the This isn't Wartime series, but I don't think I can make it happen. Jack's just... resistant. He's too much in command at the moment to let it happen. Bastard.
No, huh? Oh well. I can see how he might be difficult that way, and you've got him turned in on himself pretty tightly.
Yeah. I was thinking of putting something in between the Boston snippet and the Virtual!Daniel piece, with Sam, but... I dunno. I'll write it anyway, but I don't think there's gonna be any sex in it. Although she may try anyway...
And, have I said lately how much I love In the Wrong Story? It may be my favorite story in this fandom. Cause it's got teamliness, and hints of sex, and witty banter, and drunk!Jack, and The End of the World!
Although she may try anyway...
With Daniel? That's not right.
No, with Jack. Daniel's... gone. Except Jack keeps hallucinating him.
Whew. That is very good. The hallucinations are also.
Yeah, I was gonna have Jack hallucinate Daniel while having sex with Carter (thus contributing a virtual apocathreesome), but it's just not working. Neither Jack nor Sam really want to participate, despite the lure of angsty end-of-the-world sex.
I'd say Jack and Sam need to be spanked and shown who's boss, but that's really me getting distracted.
I'm reading The Scarab, and I like the way they've tied the mythologies together in the little ways -- the nish'ta, for instance.