Batverse rec Conversations with dead people: five things that could've happened to Jason Todd.
Mary's dratted good.
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Batverse rec Conversations with dead people: five things that could've happened to Jason Todd.
Mary's dratted good.
Dude. Fay got fandom_wanked.
How funny.
Being dazed about jennyo/_elektra. It's very cute.
People are weird.
Oooh, poor Fay. Commenting on jennyO is rarely profitable.
::rolls eyes::
I'm having a make-popcorn and relax as my f-l explodes sort of day.
Ah, wank.
You know, I often agree with JennyO, opinion-wise (well, with the notable exception of her "Canon is for pussies!" argument, which I don't get), but there is something to be said about presentation. Surely, there is a way for a person to say her piece clearly and to the point without condescension dripping from every pore.
t rolls eyes, stuffs fist in mouth
t sits next to Dana, sits on hands rather than make any public statements of any kind