t rolls eyes, stuffs fist in mouth
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
t sits next to Dana, sits on hands rather than make any public statements of any kind
t wishes Fandom Wank was up RIGHT NOW, instead of not opening for me
Hmph. I've said it before, and I will almost certainly say it again, but I feel the urge to say it now: b/d is not non-con.
I'd have to agree with you Emily. The whole concept of B/D is based on consent and control.
There was an article on slash fiction in this week's Sunday Times over here. Fluffy, but not innaccurate, I don't think. Much. 'Tis here
I had to hit bugmenot.com a few times, but you can login to the above article using:
Ah, yeah, I saw someone post that in their LJ last week. Not too bad, except for the statement that slash makes up half of all fanfiction. Which is, um, a bit of an overstatement, even in these tolerant times.
Finally. I've been hearing about this story for months, and Tripoli finally posted it today.
Mnemophobia, Stargate SG-1, Daniel and Jack and Sam and Teal'c and a world that turns sideways before "Fallen". And a very sneaky reconsideration of why We Don't Trust Oma.
Good stuff, good stuff.
Polyamorous Recs has been updated! 120 stories, 40 fandoms. Delayed, but not deterred, by illness, injury, job woes, school woes, vacations, connection problems, and lightning strikes.