Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I mentioned to my Due South homeys on IRC last night that Nestra had a new Mal/Simon Firefly story up, and there were practically sprained fingers from clicking to it.
t blush
Things got real quiet for about a half hour.
It's kind of fascinating to watch Firefly gradually invade the DS demesne, because many of the fans there aren't big on SF or Buffy -- they try it for the pretty pretty men and get caught up in the acting and characters and before you know it they're sucked up into the whole universe.
I'd like to thank each and every one of you who sucked me into HP fanfiction, first with Lust Over Pendle, and then making me crave more, so I've spent the last few weeks trawling the web for decent stories. If anyone's interested in one of the funniest stories I've ever read, I highly recommend Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing...Rat? Some Harry/Draco and Ron/Draco subtext, but the most prominent pairing is Draco/Coffee.
Oh, yes, Draco/Coffee. And the disturbing news about his uncle.
"I warn you, I shan't sleep a wink" and "Longbottom! Different, less fatal coffee!"
Why, yes, I've read the story, why do you ask?
Stories for the X-Men Movieverse ficathon are going up today, and I have about nineteen windows open of stuff to read.
Kathy - I too am have been sucked full force into HP fanficland. I just finished Yahtzee's stories and am going to check out the one you just linked.
I went over to Julie Fortune's site so I could link you guys, and discovered that she wrote a *slash* story. Sirius/Remus.
t swooning
Anyway. Go read her stuff. Harry Potter, excellent Buffy, all sorts of other fandoms.
Plus good Stargate: "The Good Wife" is a great read.
So Salieri posted an encomium to her new picture of Jack. (Which is, in fact, gorgeous -- both the picture and the essay.) And I ended up somehow writing a story to go along with the picture. Set post-Lost City, no spoilers. No angst, either, oddly enough.