Speaking of LJs...not that I'm whoring for feedback or anything, but I posted about 50K of Firefly in mine. Mal/Simon. But everyone's in it.
Incidentally, managing a crew of nine people? Hard. I can't imagine how the writers managed it every week.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Speaking of LJs...not that I'm whoring for feedback or anything, but I posted about 50K of Firefly in mine. Mal/Simon. But everyone's in it.
Incidentally, managing a crew of nine people? Hard. I can't imagine how the writers managed it every week.
Rock on, Dana. It's FAAAABULOUS.
Dana, Would you mind linking? I am sadly unwise in the ways of the LJ and would love to read your story.
got it Dana! thanks very much.
If you have ever read the Molesworth books, by any chance, you MUST read Ho for Hogwarts!.
Very, very well done.
scurries off to find Dana's fic, drooling unbecomingly
Dana, 'twas yummy. and delicious.
Puppies! I came across Dana's wonderful story yesterday and meant to comment. t scurries off to do so
Fay, that story is hysterical. I am admiring your shiny new tag & think I may also have to get a new one.
Thanks, guys.
Dear me, Fay. That story is basically one long NATLBSB.
I want one, but I can't choose.
even headmaster GRIMES hav been seen chuckling over hary's adventures wile taking deten.
All in all it is much like my dere alma mater st custards only more xciting and with better food.
i am milling about with assorted ticks, new bugs and weeds who litely hurl spells at each other and cri nigel is a mudblud am not are am not are ect.
"Huflepuf. Also you hav a face like a squished tomato."
SNAPE the mad potions master approacheth and he do not seme happy. Perhaps some dark secret prey on his mind or perhaps he just hav hangover after too much BUTERBEER you never can tell.
"One last chance clot. who discovered the mandrake eh?"
"was it osama bin laden?"
"But surely sir lumos hav a greek nom. ending whereas the root come from lat. lumen luminis a lite as any fule kno?"
laughing too hard. fell off chair.