Most of the time, I wouldn't have worried that a story might feature our heroine being molested by monkeys, but this time, I was worried.
I'm... having a post-traumatic flashback to that one story with Nikita and the Doberman.
t cries
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Most of the time, I wouldn't have worried that a story might feature our heroine being molested by monkeys, but this time, I was worried.
I'm... having a post-traumatic flashback to that one story with Nikita and the Doberman.
t cries
Thank you shrift, now I'm having a flash to that one with Blair and the... shudder
Dobermans, however, don't much bother me. Anais Nin kind of desensitized me.
Holy cow, really? Wow. That's... pretty impressive.
Isn't that fabulous? I mean, tell me that's not completely appropriate as a way to go. (I don't suppose it'll actually go go, but still.)
Yeah, the vidding kerfuffle was list-based--Nummy Treat, apparently. Sisabet posted about it. Then there was a big argument about the politics of othering that I think branched off of the fanfic_hate thing, but none of it happened on my flist, so, you know, I'm a little unclear. And then something about academic usage of words that may or may not be racist? And then a bunch of posts were deleted?
You know how it is. *shrug*
Ah. I recognize this argument. Oddly enough, I'm so sheltered I've hardly been subjected to it myself. I can't even communicate with the folks who don't sweat over their fic.
I should post Fialka's beta notes on Bellum Interruptum. I was absolutely furious about what she had to say. Enraged. Didn't want to do it, didn't think it needed to be done. My story, mine! This is work! Total territorial response. And this to one of my closest friends, online or off.
You know what? A lot of what she said was right, and the story is better for it.
What's the saying? Not worth doing if it's not worth doing right?
My story, mine!
Oh, lord, this. I know this bugaboo very well.
The Elite Vidding Bitch Cabal icons have been around for awhile. I think they were made in response to another kerfuffle and have been pulled out for the current one.
Frankly, I'm not surprised onlist vid critiquing imploded, Serge (ds mailing list) tried to do a fic of the week thing and I left right when it was getting really wanky.
Fandom has this problem. It's a terrible one I'm sure you all recognize. This problem's name is Incredibly Bad Acronyms.
Yes, IBA strikes fandom as much as the federal government, and with less creativity than the US army. It's a sad, sad illness.
Surely we can come up with something that trips off the tongue more gently than BOFQ?? I'm convinced any organization called EVBC must, in fact, be devoted to the treatment of an unsightly skin ailment.
As the people who invented the term MPREG, I know we have the human capital to do better. I think we are just not putting enough brain power into this sadly neglected arena of fandom politics.
Consuela, if she'd consent, I'd certainly be interested in reading it -- I think a lot of beginning writers (or writers who never progress beyond the basics) don't understand the process of writing and the hard work & decisions that go into solid fiction.
Theo, one of the things I've considered doing for a while is posting the sequence of beta notes on a story. For a long time I kept the beta notes I got on one of my toughest X-Files stories (The Mill) in order to use it for that. Unfortunately, I think I lost them because I was changing email addresses & running out of space. Stupid me.
The BI notes are... long. (Fi does verbose beta: the beta notes on Fimbulwinter alone were about 75K.) I'll think about it.
Yeah, that's actually one of the things I find most interesting about that DVD commentary meme when it goes around.