The general concept. As in, "someone tell me if there's het content along with the slash. Not that there's anything wrong with slash, but it's not my fetish."
Oh, and Connie?
Guess who the LUCKY author is! Yes, Connie, you've just won yourself an all-expenses paid tour to Flame War Central!
Between BBF and fanfic_hate, it's very September out there.
But I did get a new tagline out of it.
I expect Just Write Some Fic Rather Than Whining, Dammit! to come around any day now.
Bwah! I almost want to take bets, but I won't. Mostly because I don't have time to run a betting pool.
I would have just said "taste" myself. And not mean porn.Cause it's not, mostly. But I keep having to revise that, most recently cause of wibbling about Kevin Kline and a guy.
Guess who the LUCKY author is! Yes, Connie, you've just won yourself an all-expenses paid tour to Flame War Central
They're fighting about ME????
I'm so proud. Honestly, it brings a tear to my eye.
Next question?
Why do you have to be so mean? Fanfic is my *escape* from Real Life, which is very difficult sometimes thank you, and I don't come here to see *fighting*, because I can get that in Real Life, and everything in fandom is supposed to be fluffy and fun!
"I'm's what we do."