Next question?
Why do you have to be so mean? Fanfic is my *escape* from Real Life, which is very difficult sometimes thank you, and I don't come here to see *fighting*, because I can get that in Real Life, and everything in fandom is supposed to be fluffy and fun!
"I'm's what we do."
Because. Next question?
What the hell's wrong with liking fluff/darkfic/literary pretentious BS?
What the hell's wrong with liking fluff/darkfic/literary pretentious BS?
They make hair grow on the palms of your hands. Anyway, it's much more fun when you combine categories: try Fluffy Darkfic, for instance. Or Pretentious Fluff.
Loves me some Pretentious Fluff.
They make hair grow on the palms of your hands. Anyway, it's much more fun when you combine categories: try Fluffy Darkfic, for instance. Or Pretentious Fluff.
Ah! Good point.
You know, I've *written* fluffy Darkfic. See: Xander on Top.
What was the category I assigned the Dick/Babs to?
I think we should all strive to write more Pretentious Fluff.
Been reading the kerfuffle in BBF. My muse is all energized now.
What list what list what list?
t /little sister
I miss all the fun. Oops, guess I shouldn't have closed that tag after all.
Better Buffy Fiction. It's a Yahoo group.