Isn't it too early in the summer to be running through The Meta Of Fandom?
Remember, this is BBF. Now that both BtVS and AtS are over, there's nothing but the meta from here on out. t /sarca... oh, hell, y'all know that one doesn't close
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Isn't it too early in the summer to be running through The Meta Of Fandom?
Remember, this is BBF. Now that both BtVS and AtS are over, there's nothing but the meta from here on out. t /sarca... oh, hell, y'all know that one doesn't close
Or just piss off everyone in listening distance.
It's really a wonderful example of how not to defend yourself when you think you've been wronged. "I'm going to post in an aggressive and snotty manner, using strong, strident language and diminutives to address everyone who does not agree with me! And then I shall cap it all off by demanding that someone give me the Spuffy porn, already!"
Yay! Pervs!
As in, "someone tell me if there's het content along with the slash. Not that there's anything wrong with slash, but it's not my fetish."
I see. Inapt choice of words, though if it was deliberate, I get what she was trying to imply. (Basically, what amych said. Pervs. WhatEV.)
Remember, this is BBF. Now that both BtVS and AtS are over, there's nothing but the meta from here on out.
Well, that's true. But there's the Why Are You All So Passive-Aggressive discussion going on, too. I expect Just Write Some Fic Rather Than Whining, Dammit! to come around any day now.
Yeah, makes me glad I'm currently no-mail on the list. Because from without, I can say "whatev", but if I were in the midst of it, I'd be screaming right now.
Anyway, lunchtime. Later, pervs.
The general concept. As in, "someone tell me if there's het content along with the slash. Not that there's anything wrong with slash, but it's not my fetish."
Oh, and Connie?
Guess who the LUCKY author is! Yes, Connie, you've just won yourself an all-expenses paid tour to Flame War Central!
Between BBF and fanfic_hate, it's very September out there.
But I did get a new tagline out of it.
I expect Just Write Some Fic Rather Than Whining, Dammit! to come around any day now.
Bwah! I almost want to take bets, but I won't. Mostly because I don't have time to run a betting pool.
Hold your breath for: