Winnick's first big breakthrough was, in fact, a graphic novel about his friendship with the late Pedro Zamora, also of RW SF. Called Pedro and Me, and while I've never read it, it was very well-received.
'Heart Of Gold'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Ladies, gents, and otherbeings, I bring you, The End of the World. Aka, Apocalypse_Latr, an LJ community dedicated to the proposition that fanfiction is good, and fanfiction about the apocalypse, via natural disaster, plague, or--my personal favorite--alien invasion, is better.
All fandoms welcome and enthusiastically received, with the possible exception of My Little Pony. Cause we're wacky that way.
C'mon in, the water's fine!
I also keep forgetting about his stint on Green Lantern, which got a lot of press for some of the storylines dealing with gay bashing.
'Suela: ROCK!
I liked Pedro and Me -- it's pretty clear, from the style, that Winick started out doing funny kinds of comics rather that adventure-stuff. Considering I watched it on television and knew the events of the novel front to back, it was a good retelling, affectionate, funny. Geared at a teen audience, I think, which is sort of odd because today's teens were like 5 when that Real World season came out.
Yahtzee offering potential Whedonverse fic, including possibly a "Phoenix Burning" sequel, for donations to the John Kerry campaign.
Given that she left the Whedonverse with no small amount of bitterness over plot developments, this might be your last shot at it.
shalott and Ellen Fremendon have also offered up fannish contribution, from drabbles to vids to shalott completing her Harry Potter series.
I think it's kind of neat, the whole fan the vote deal. Not sure how well it'll work, but you know. Every little bit and all that.
The bids on shalott's vid offer are up to $250.
That's pretty damned impressive.
Did you see how high bids went on the VividCon auction? I was aghast.
Although if I were single and didn't have to account to anyone for the use of our shared money (and didn't have a mortgage), I might have been willing to pay $600 for a vid by sisabet or Lum.