There's the start of an Ultraviolet/Once Upon a Time in Mexico crossover over in Commodoresexual's lj. So far there's some good Sands snark.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Aileen Wournos
You had Wournos for breakfast? Dude, that's superfuckinhardcore.
So we're back to cereal...wish somebody would have told me before I looked all scary...:) In that case, pretend I said "cheerios." I was thinking "Serial" naturally, and I have some respect for Aileen, breaking into a male occupation that way. ;)
Warning: this post contains badfic extracts. Put the drink down and cover your eyes.
This story's still (technically-- Jack's been turned into a woman) mpreg, and still Stargate. Jack learns to read Daniel's facial expressions:
Jack knew it was a genuine non-sleepy brows furrow when he was suddenly overwhelmed with the fear of digital projectors.
And we learn that:
Teal'c looked more mellow than ever if that were possible. Too much Kel'nor'reem-ing apparently gave the same relaxed appearance as smoking grass.
And, to top it all:
Jack's memory came back without preamble, but with more intensity than a raging bull. He squealed at the top of his voice like the woman he was.
They looked at him as though he'd finally gone off his rocker.
"Colonel, are you all right?" Janet asked.
"Peachy." Jack said, turning bright red. "I just got my memory back." He added, making eye contact with Daniel.
"You did?" Daniel asked, turning bright red as well.
Kevin narrowed his eyes at Daniel and Jack.
That Daniel would have it in him to not only spank, handcuff, blindfold and role play Who's Your Goa'uld Daddy was too much for Jack to bear.
Reach out for your spork...
Unless, of course, "Who's Your Goa'uld Daddy?" blows your skirt up. I'm reading mpreg for the second day running, I don't think I can comment.
fear of digital projectors
Does this mean something in Stargateland? Because all I'm coming up with is audiovisual equipment. And I know the frustration, but I just can't get the fear.
Amych, I'm not big on Stargate canon, but as far as I can work out (it's not like there's a lot of useful context), we're talking audiovisual equipment.
In which I, too, fail to find a fear factor.
ETA: I'm also boggling over
"We have to talk." Daniel said, his lips sterns.
I think I've read parts of this story---is this the one that opens with a sex scene and Jack suddenly remembers who is after he wakes up (except he's a woman of course). He'd been turned into a woman on some planet and Daniel married him/her.
The exact same one, yes, askye. It's, um, difficult to stop reading.
ETA: I have now, however, finished it. If you're curious: there's the birth of an Ascended Being (Jack and Daniel's daughter), Jack returns to his own body, and then they have impluasible sex, before declaring their love for each other. On the floor of Daniel's office.
I actually kind of liked that one! Okay, yes, silly. Very silly. Extremely silly. But, I thought, self-consciously so. Hey, whatever, um, keeps your skirt down?
(Oh, and I believe the "fear of projectors" bit is meant to refer to Daniel getting all lecture-with-powerpoint-presentation-y when he thinks too hard.)
I'm puzzled by the neon pubes a bit too
The huh-wha? Explain?
Oh, not in the story...Plei found a crip-sexuality link featuring a woman who liked to have her pubic hair dyed fuschia and turquoise and stuff.