Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The exact same one, yes, askye. It's, um, difficult to stop reading.
ETA: I have now, however, finished it. If you're curious: there's the birth of an Ascended Being (Jack and Daniel's daughter), Jack returns to his own body, and then they have impluasible sex, before declaring their love for each other. On the floor of Daniel's office.
I actually kind of liked that one! Okay, yes, silly. Very silly. Extremely silly. But, I thought, self-consciously so. Hey, whatever, um, keeps your skirt down?
(Oh, and I believe the "fear of projectors" bit is meant to refer to Daniel getting all lecture-with-powerpoint-presentation-y when he thinks too hard.)
I'm puzzled by the neon pubes a bit too
The huh-wha? Explain?
Oh, not in the story...Plei found a crip-sexuality link featuring a woman who liked to have her pubic hair dyed fuschia and turquoise and stuff.
Oh. Huh. Well, okay. Fairly harmless habit, I guess. My problem is that I always read "pubes" first as, well, genitals, and only then do I go "oh, maybe they meant pubic hair". So... you can see how the neon genitals idea...
...actually, we had that on Angel, didn't we?
I was watching the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous thing --how much celebs spend on grooming and getting their hair done. And there was a stylist there that specializes in waxes and other grooming---she was saying how much it cost to get a stylist in if, (the example she used) was a client wanted a strawberry shape---how the colors had to match and how difficult it was to get the black/green/red exactly right.
I would also like to note, for the record, that "drink this magic potion and the baby will be born from your belly-button" makes far more sense (especially in, say, Harry Potter fandom) than Billy having random ovaries.
Am-Chau, I thought that was the best part of the whole thing. Because, yeah, it would just be SO SILLY for a man to have a baby through his belly button (::coughlifefromtheashescough::) Let's be
and give him a C-section. I mean, that's what separates the wheat from the chaff in mpreg.
And neon pubes scare me!
Ah. I see others have read the same SG1 mpreg fic I read the other day. One of the (many) things that bugged me about that fic was that the basic premise behind the fic (member of SG1 gets a sudden gender change due to [insert technobabble here]) could be hella interesting if the author took the time to think about the different ramifications of dealing with an unwanted gender change, or at least those ramifications that go beyond "insert tab A into slot B."
I didn't read all of the genderswitch mpreg...I got as far as the discovery of the pregnancy and stopped reading, but that might have been because it was really late.
I haven't been reading a lot of fanfic lately although I've gotten on a Sports Night kick. I have disc 1 at home from Netflix but haven't watched it yet.
Askye--Have you seen SN before?
I think I've seen at least two episodes when Comedy Central was rerunning it. I know who the characters are and some of the relationships. I've had SN on my Netflix queue forever, it's just finally gotten to the top.