Anna S.'s Season Noir is *excellent,* though I'm not the biggest Spuffy fan. But that's Buffy-- did you mean for Space: Above and Beyond, or in general?
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
There was a MSCL virtual season that I thought was pretty good, though it did get melodramatic as it went on. Unfortunately, I read it back in '97 or so and can no longer remember the author's name, if it's even still online.
You might need to wait for the next yuletide challenge to roll around.
t grump
I've already written three Yuletide stories and will possibly write more. Is it too much to ask for somebody to write me a damn Space: Above and Beyond story?
Beth H (aka LiveJournal's bethbethbeth) has an HP/dS not-quite-a-crossover snippet
I have found it. I have also, accidentally, exported it to Excel. Which I think is going to crash my computer. Let this be a cautionary example to you all.
t drive-by rec
Katie_M wrote a sweet and funny SG snippet as a follow up to her post-col story "In the Wrong Story". It's on her LJ.
Mmm, OT3.
Anna S.'s Season Noir is *excellent,* though I'm not the biggest Spuffy fan. But that's Buffy-- did you mean for Space: Above and Beyond, or in general?
Holli, so funny! I was thinking, I'll say "virtual seasons are crap" and someone's going to bring up Season Noir. But I think of Season Noir more as an "alternative season" so I give it an exemption to the virtual season rule.
Is it too much to ask for somebody to write me a damn Space: Above and Beyond story?
I know. Sigh. What did you ask for, Cooper/McQueen?
But I think of Season Noir more as an "alternative season" so I give it an exemption to the virtual season rule.
Yeah, that never would have occurred to me as a virtual season. I'm thinking of the sort of collaborative thing that happens when a show either gets canceled or goes in a direction the fans don't like.
I totally wanted to answer some more Yuletide challenges, but how the hell does one write Spenser slash without access to the original show? I just have vague memories of Spenser's winter outfit making him look like a dockworker, girlfriends with too much hairspray, and Hawk looking... mm mm good.
And my attempt to write Firefly was crap. Damn it, I want to give to others! Because then maybe someone will write Pretty in Pink for me.
Mmm, OT3.
Poor Teal'c, man.
Well, hell, let's go ahead and link to the Unfilled Requests list, and maybe we'll get lucky.
I've got requests in for Sam/Dana (SN) and Luke/Lorelai (GG). Someone make my day.
Plus, you can torture yourself by seeing what your favorite writers want. I'd love to write some Wimsey/Vane for Speranza, but it scares the crap out of me on about nine different levels.