I totally wanted to answer some more Yuletide challenges, but how the hell does one write Spenser slash without access to the original show? I just have vague memories of Spenser's winter outfit making him look like a dockworker, girlfriends with too much hairspray, and Hawk looking... mm mm good.
And my attempt to write Firefly was crap. Damn it, I want to give to others! Because then maybe someone will write Pretty in Pink for me.
Well, hell, let's go ahead and link to the Unfilled Requests list, and maybe we'll get lucky.
I've got requests in for Sam/Dana (SN) and Luke/Lorelai (GG). Someone make my day.
Plus, you can torture yourself by seeing what your favorite writers want. I'd love to write some Wimsey/Vane for Speranza, but it scares the crap out of me on about nine different levels.
but it scares the crap out of me on about nine different levels.
No shit. I've got a whole list taken from the unfilled requests list that I keep looking at, thinking, "Well, I at least know something about this. Maybe I could... no."
I don't *really* feel like looking, but are there any unfilled Batverse wishes on that list?
Pick your 'verse.
Batman (Batman/Commissioner Jim Gordon)
Batman (Nightwing, Robin, Batman)
Batman (Nightwing/Superman)
Batman (Oracle/Nightwing/Batman)
Batman (Poison Ivy/any)
Batman (Harley/Creeper)
Batman (Terry/Bruce)
Batman (xover or Robin/other)
Nightwing (Gannon/any male)
Teen Titans (Cyborg/Changeling)
Teen Titans (Raven/Starfire)
And there might be 'verses I just don't know enough about to pick out.
What did you ask for, Cooper/McQueen?
Yes, but I'll take gen!
I don't *really* feel like looking, but are there any unfilled Batverse wishes on that list?
Yep. Which reminds me, I have a Teen Titans story for Te to finish.
Batman (Batman/Commissioner Jim Gordon)
Batman (Nightwing, Robin, Batman)
Batman (Nightwing/Superman) Lucy
Batman (Oracle/Nightwing/Batman)
Batman (Poison Ivy/any)
Batman (Harley/Creeper)
Batman (Terry/Bruce)
Batman (xover or Robin/other)
You knooow you waaaant to...
For that matter, *I* have a request. Five Robins. One room. No waiting.
Hell, doesn't even *have* to be porn. I just want to see Carrie Kelley get some airtime.
(whoope, Dana beat me to it.)
Oy. I see at least three of those that tempt me...
Also, I got Thrillkiller last night (shrift, you NEED to own it), and now I have a million Elseworlds bunnies.
What did you ask for, Cooper/McQueen?
Yes, but I'll take gen!
shrift, if only! Anything, I'll take anything new at this point. Still poking through the archives, which is kinda depressing.