Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
much removed cereal:
I'm running a nice and shiny Old Skool ficathon for BtVS/AtS seasons one through three. If you're interested, sign up; we'd love to have you.
(cross posted in bitch fic.)
shrift... that's... the *really* bad thing is, I think it may already have been done.
Heh. I don't doubt that everything's been done at least once in Buffyverse.
Okay, very random, and quite possibly unanswerable, but does anyone know of any good Space: Above and Beyond fic?
Every once in a while, I have a hankering.
So, I was B Diving, and found myself saying
PMM: There's HP/WWF Fic.
While it doesn't squick me, it does confuse me.
Quidditch smackdowns?
Anyone happen to know WHERE I found it?
Beth H (aka LiveJournal's bethbethbeth) has an HP/dS not-quite-a-crossover snippet that might amuse:
does anyone know of any good Space: Above and Beyond fic?
Every once in a while, I have a hankering.
You're not the only one.
I think most of what I've seen has been McQueen/Cooper, and maybe a little West/Cooper. But it's been ages. Are you looking for something specific?
(And crap, what the hell was that character's full name? Cooper...Hawkes?)
Dana, at this point, I suspect there isn't going to be any of what I'm looking for, which is pretty-close-to-canon-almost-feels-like-a-missing-ep fic.
So I'd be happy with some good character pieces, vignettes, what have you.
And yes, he was Cooper Hawkes.
My goodness, there actually is a virtual season.
(An aside: has any virtual season ever been any good? All of the ones I've put it politely...have kind of sucked.)
Also looks like an archive here. Large pile of links here.
I know I've seen some fic by authors whose names are actually familiar to me, but I'm not brave enough to check Minotaur's Slash Database while I'm at work. You might try a search there, though.
This probably isn't that helpful, alas. You might need to wait for the next yuletide challenge to roll around.