Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Heh. Calli, now I'm curious. You got a link?
I know exactly nothing about Stargate, but now I want to read this.
It's NC-17 slash (J/D, and D/other guy) and I'm at work, so it's not something I . . . oh, what the heck. [link]
Warnings: Daniel gets a bit overly weepy and femme for my tastes. (Well, I don't really mind femme in guys, but it goes out of character for Daniel, to me.) And the author is from the UK, I think, and sometimes her idiom shows it. (While I can fanwank Daniel using British slang, Jack nsm.) But the rebuild of Jack's Christmas decorations is hilarious. I don't remember which month had the de-and re-aging of SG-1. Somewhere in the middle, I think.
Actually, I do remember now. But it's good for a giggle all the same, even if I should be doing work.
There do seem to be an awful lot of UK writers in SG, based on the number of times I've seen Jack realize that he fancies Daniel.
Ah! The Anais story is
Dr. Jackson's Diary
which is a lovely spoofy take on
Bridget Jones's Diary,
only with missions and plot and so on. Probably my favorite non-DS slash story.
I once tried to read that oft-recced Buffyfic in which a bunch of the Scoobs, Spike & Wes are turned into little kids, but the cutesy-ness of it all made me kind of queasy so I had to stop.
Oh, yeah, I had a several huge problems with that, too. Mostly of the have-you-ever-been-around-children variety, which is the same kind of weird feeling I get when reading a story by someone who I
(through idle lurking in their journal, or whatever) has had sex, as an adult, and participated in conversations with a significant other, and been out with said s.o. in public. And yet their story is like the fantasy of an unsocialized twelve-year-old virgin.
Also, I get incredibly irritated at people who keep on talking about how Spike has been mistreated in the show and how *their* Spike is the right Spike. Which is hypocritical of me, because I've said the exact same thing about Cordelia when I was reccing Julie Fortune's Angel fic.
Vonnie is me.
I loved "Small Fry" and "Son of Small Fry." Quick, how many folks can say "Are we surprised?"
I sort of feel that way about Spike. But I think Herself's Spike is Spike, so...
But I think Herself's Spike is Spike, so...
I think she writes the character wonderfully, but I don't think he has much to do with Spike as he has been developed on the shows after "Bargaining" or so.
(I suspect she'd agree with me on that, given what she's said about the show recently, and I like her version of him a lot anyhow.)
And yet their story is like the fantasy of an unsocialized twelve-year-old virgin.
I think that's often a writing problem -- it's like that line in "Sleepless in Seattle" about how one character wants to be in love in a movie, not in real life. People are trying to write movie love/sex, not the real thing as they experienced it.
I like h/c too, connie. Hey, we've all got our kinks.
I hate hate HATE this plot device. The hell? I once tried to read that oft-recced Buffyfic in which a bunch of the Scoobs, Spike & Wes are turned into little kids, but the cutesy-ness of it all made me kind of queasy so I had to stop.
Yeah. Well, the thing with that series I was talking about is I was sure it was undermining that, and I was all "hey! This is an interesting take!" And then it... wasn't.
I'm with erika and Lyra. And to me the Herself!Spike makes total sense, given that she started writing him that way back when it could be extrapolated from canon. Why drop a perfectly good WIP just because it gets jossed?