Nah, it's Xenophilia, where Aeryn makes a very difficult decision about the possible pregnancy.
It's in no way an easy story, and I wouldn't have reacted so bad if the individual commenting had at least finished the story before pontificating on it.
People? Annoying.
In the tradition of Dana, this (from a Dawson's Creek fic) makes me giggle....
They stayed tangled up together, kissing, touching, playing each other like musical instruments for an hour or so before they both blissfully fell asleep.
I'm sorry-- I have to do one more..
Pacey pulled her up towards him for another searing kiss, their tongues both fighting for control in their conjoined mouth.
playing each other like musical instruments for an hour or so
This beggars description, but not amusing imagery in my head. I am thinking woodwind, yes? I mean, you know, I suppose it could be percussion, but on average I would rather have someone random blowing in one ear while stopping up my nostrils than have someone treat my belly as tympani.
And I'd hate to be played like a guitar or a banjo--strumming would tickle and picking would pinch.
Blessed Mother. There is Eddie Izzard fanfic. Really, reeeeeeally bad fanfic.
If anyone wants me, I will be in the bathroom putting my eyes out.
Darn it, he's cute enough that at least one decent writer should become enamored of him. Me, I think he looks better out of the makeup.
I have to do a brain reset when I see him in men's clothing. And Shadow of the Vampire proved that he was born to wield a cigarette holder.
Yes, I am sadly lacking in the "men in eyeliner are hot" gene.
I'm going to have to rent "Shadow of the Vampire" aren't I.