I like girly drinks, and drink them often, because they are yummy and booze-filled.
If I feel the need to be macho, I drink tequila. 'Cause, fun, with the salt and everything.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I like girly drinks, and drink them often, because they are yummy and booze-filled.
If I feel the need to be macho, I drink tequila. 'Cause, fun, with the salt and everything.
I think anything fruity probably will fit. I know jack about cocktail drinks, and usually end up ordering something-Martini--Cranberry Martini, Chocolate Martini et al. They sound kind of girly to me.
On an entirely different note: It's funny what you get from eavesdropping on/glancing at other folks talk about fandom with which you are not familiar. Having read none of the Harry Potter books but being surrounded by people who talk about them and HP fanfic incessantly, I've decided,
Harry = Buffy
Draco = Spike
Hermione = Willow
Ron = Xander
Snape = Giles with not a small touch of Ripper
The other day, someone on my Flist was complaining about Crack-ban and how there is nothing but Harry/Draco rec in HP section, and this sounded *exactly* like what folks have been saying about Buffy/Spike on BBF a while back. Plus, Draco's got all that blondness, ambiguous evil-osity and adversarial relationship with our main hero.
I don't have much clue in who the ever-popular Sirius and Remus are supposed to be. Apparently they are (or maybe just one of them) werewolves, but it sounded like they have personalities very different from Oz's. Huh.
Remus is a werewolf. Sirius learned to change himself into a dog in order to hang out with Remus when he was in wolf shape.
The other day, someone on my Flist was complaining about Crack-ban and how there is nothing but Harry/Draco rec in HP section, and this sounded *exactly* like what folks have been saying about Buffy/Spike on BBF a while back.
WRT the second named, that was certainly true for a while. (There was an influx of people who found out about the list because of B/S, and B/S is still, by the numbers, the most popular pairing. As it's a pairing I haven't read in, oh, ages, my nose did wrinkle at it. Hell, I've written it more recently than I've read it. And I rarely write it.)
I admit to being occasionally bemused at how Crack_van is basically a multi-fandom slash recs site. Gen and het recs are, if not exactly unusual, definitely in the minority.
Sirius learned to change himself into a dog in order to hang out with Remus when he was in wolf shape.
Wow, really? No wonder there's so much S/R slash.
B/S is still, by the numbers, the most popular pairing.
I've gone on digest on BBF a while back, but I thought the proportion of B/S out of the total number of recs went down significantly compared to, say, late S5-early S7? I may be mistaken though, since it's been a while since I read my last B/S fic (my eyes usually skip over these nowadays; It seems I've developed major intolerance to the whole 'epic romance' genre, in any fandom.)
You know, the Draco-Spike character type is such a fannish archetype: ambiguously-evil and sometimes complex lust-object. You've got Draco, Spike, Krycek, Sark, Lindsey, and probably some more I'm forgetting. I kind wish someone (preferrably unbiased by the lust-object aspect *or* the character-hatred) would do an essay on the topic.
I have a ridiculous affection for Draco/Neville, and as you might imagine, it's rare like a rare thing. Curses.
You know, the Draco-Spike character type is such a fannish archetype: ambiguously-evil and sometimes complex lust-object.
The thing is, there's no ambiguity to Draco's evil in the actual books. He is nothing but snobbish and cruel. He kind of gets fluffy puppy-ized a lot for fic purposes.
More of that silly QE thing...Thom and Pembleton talking interiors. [link] And more on topic, closest in Homicide to that would be Kellerman,(dirty shoot..maybe) or if you make allowances for unconventional appearance, Munch.(possibly, I think, hell yes, definitely, killed perp Gordon Pratt)
You know, the Draco-Spike character type is such a fannish archetype: ambiguously-evil and sometimes complex lust-object.
Lex. Scorpius. Methos, depending on the incarnation.