Remus is a werewolf. Sirius learned to change himself into a dog in order to hang out with Remus when he was in wolf shape.
'War Stories'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
The other day, someone on my Flist was complaining about Crack-ban and how there is nothing but Harry/Draco rec in HP section, and this sounded *exactly* like what folks have been saying about Buffy/Spike on BBF a while back.
WRT the second named, that was certainly true for a while. (There was an influx of people who found out about the list because of B/S, and B/S is still, by the numbers, the most popular pairing. As it's a pairing I haven't read in, oh, ages, my nose did wrinkle at it. Hell, I've written it more recently than I've read it. And I rarely write it.)
I admit to being occasionally bemused at how Crack_van is basically a multi-fandom slash recs site. Gen and het recs are, if not exactly unusual, definitely in the minority.
Sirius learned to change himself into a dog in order to hang out with Remus when he was in wolf shape.
Wow, really? No wonder there's so much S/R slash.
B/S is still, by the numbers, the most popular pairing.
I've gone on digest on BBF a while back, but I thought the proportion of B/S out of the total number of recs went down significantly compared to, say, late S5-early S7? I may be mistaken though, since it's been a while since I read my last B/S fic (my eyes usually skip over these nowadays; It seems I've developed major intolerance to the whole 'epic romance' genre, in any fandom.)
You know, the Draco-Spike character type is such a fannish archetype: ambiguously-evil and sometimes complex lust-object. You've got Draco, Spike, Krycek, Sark, Lindsey, and probably some more I'm forgetting. I kind wish someone (preferrably unbiased by the lust-object aspect *or* the character-hatred) would do an essay on the topic.
I have a ridiculous affection for Draco/Neville, and as you might imagine, it's rare like a rare thing. Curses.
You know, the Draco-Spike character type is such a fannish archetype: ambiguously-evil and sometimes complex lust-object.
The thing is, there's no ambiguity to Draco's evil in the actual books. He is nothing but snobbish and cruel. He kind of gets fluffy puppy-ized a lot for fic purposes.
More of that silly QE thing...Thom and Pembleton talking interiors. [link] And more on topic, closest in Homicide to that would be Kellerman,(dirty shoot..maybe) or if you make allowances for unconventional appearance, Munch.(possibly, I think, hell yes, definitely, killed perp Gordon Pratt)
You know, the Draco-Spike character type is such a fannish archetype: ambiguously-evil and sometimes complex lust-object.
Lex. Scorpius. Methos, depending on the incarnation.
Is the question really that complicated? It's the Bad Boy phenomenon.
In my quest for H:LOTS fic I could read at work (lunch break -- fic's ok, but not the NC-17 stuff), I found Munch Ado about Nothing. A world of bwah.