Maybe Sex on the Beach? Or an Alabama Slammer?
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
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Mai tai. Cosmopolitan(dude, it's on SATC)
Singapore Sling?
Appletinis are the new Cosmos.
But not pink.
Oh, excellent! I had a Cosmo in the rough draft. I'm glad to see my sad ignorance of alcoholic beverages instincts led me in the right direction.
Also, if people could list the colors of the drinks with the names, that would be helpful.
Or else I could just google them, like someone who's not that lazy.
Appletinis are electric green.
See, I'm used to grown women ordering a Cosmo. That's why I was thinking Sex on the Beach (pinky-red) or an Alabama Slammer (orangey-red). Plus they have ridiculous names that any grown woman should be embarassed to order.
Crazy little ficlet in lj QE/H:LOTS(Don't worry it'll be short) [link] Style tips appreciated.
Research help request: What's a kind of chichi drink that's just a little too girly for a grown woman, but not so much too girly that it's glaring?
There's also a Pink Lady, but they're sort of old fashioned. Also, very pink. A strawberry daquiri is girly.