If I ever find myself so in awe of someone else's writing that I feel I'm useless and must never write again, I'll go back to it and remember that actually, however bad I am, I will not be quite that bizarre.
That is why I've hung on to the copy of
The Gothic Rainbow
all these many years. It reassures me that I'm not THE worst writer on the planet.
One of Veehemently's stories got recc'ed on crack_van!
And we are surprised? We are not. ::preens with the knowing-of-Vee::
Huh. Good to know. Although
through Zoe's eyes.
NSM with the accurate description. Still, considering that's the only thing I've written in like -- a year? --, and considering the subject matter, it never ceases to surprise me that it's popular.
It's closer to an omniscient narrator, really: the focus seems to switch over to Mal closer to the end.
Am, are the questions you sent via email part of this project with the mock documentary? If so, feel free to use mine.
Yes, same project. And yes, your answers did get through. Thanks.
I'm pimping a vid again.
Sisabet and Lum have made a vid together! They went and found the essence of Angel.
Go read about it in their Ljs luminosity and sisabet. Links to download the vids are there. Both for real play and windows media.
I'm off to go watch it again.
Askye, that's a hilarious vid. I shared it with the family (the children somewhat unintentionally) and Kara's been running around the house saying, "What-EVER" ever since.
Freak that I am I downloaded both versions so that I'd have a copy in both my Buffy/headtilt folder and my Buffy/Lumniosity folder. I suppose I could have started a new folder for them, but generally I only do that when I have more than one vid per fandom/vidder.
My cataloging of my vids ground to a halt soon after I started.